Thursday, August 18, 2011

6 week scan and no fetal pole or heartbeat?

I had a miscarriage earlier this year so the OB said I could have an early scan to reure myself. Well this back fired on me because its stressing me more than helping me. I was 6w2d friday. I had a positive pregnancy test on 5/25. They showed me as 5 weeks pregnant on the scan which is impossible based on when I got the positive test. The tech called the Dr at the hospital u/s into the room and even the Dr said based on those dates (LMP and BFP) it didn't look good. I had blood work and will get the results tomorrow (had blood 10 days prior so willhave a # to compare it to). And I have to go back next Friday for another scan. I have prepared myself for the worse but want to know if anyone had this happen with a good outcome? Oh the tech did think she saw a flickering and my husband said he saw it too when she pointed it out. But what has me upset is that that the Dr said what he saw was not a 6 week pregnancy since there was a sac and yolk but no fetal pole. After the Dr left the room the tech told me not to loose sleep over what the Dr said because she saw a nice healthy sac. The other thing is she did both an abdominal and l scan. The abdominal was actually clearer (Same thing happened when I went ot the ER with my miscarriage). She said it was because of the angle she had to do the l. She said it was because I had a tilted uterus. I read somewhere that can effect what you see?

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