Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Is this enough?

Make sure you get your overnight bag packed for the hospital, blankets and a hat and outfit to bring the baby home in and a big fluffy comfy bathrobe for you and some soft slippers for your feet, and also comfortable pajamas for your stay. Also pads for your when the milk leaks and lansanoh cream for when your get dry and cracked that stuff works great and doesnt hurt the baby. I would buy more pads, trust me you'll need them. You didnt say anything about bibs, but my daughter was a messy eater so you might need those. Bath stuff is another thing you will need. infant Tylenol is also good to have when they give your baby shots. I gave it to my children right before the doctors appointment. ummm...I cant think of anything else at the moment but set aside some extra cash because something will probably come up and you'll have to run out and buy it. Good luck with the baby and congrats.

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