Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do u think i could make them to like me again??

well i continuously hurting my dad, mom, and sister feeling. I talk with no respect toward my dad and i always get mad at him easily. I tried not to but in the end i always being rude to him.I know i am wrong but i just can't help it. With my mom i talk rude without realizing that i am being rude. I always made her sad because i dont have any friend at my new school. Well i do but no one to hang with. She always want me to pay attention to my appearance which i couldn't care less. I also tell her if i have problems especially when i fight with my sister. She has high blood pressure but i always forget it is as if all i care is my own feeling and how i got hurt. With my sister i always have this mood swing especially when i hang with her and her friends. I mad because she doesnt pay attention to me, all she cares is her friends. i embarred her by making them see me as this girl who mad without reason. Now she doesnt want to bring me along as much which make me feel lonely, cont.

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