Friday, August 12, 2011

Prelude to a kiss? (please help me out :) )?

ok. so, theres this guy that i kind of like and i think he kind of likes me too. we're just friends right now, but because of a club we're both in, we were together on valentines day. we both had to attend a banquet and after i dressed, he saw me and told me i looked hot. we both continued to walk in our separate directions, but he turned around a followed up with "damn, girl" and then walked away. (by the way...this is his personality...the hot and damn girl). anyway, we are in different groups for this club and his group leader brought their group mustaches. after we finished eating, they all put them on to go take a picture. while we were waiting for our turn, i asked him to hold something for me while we took a different picture. after i got it back from him, he stood really close to me for a few minutes. during this time, he leaned in to kiss me twice, but didn't kiss me either time. am i looking too far into this? what does it mean??

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