Saturday, August 13, 2011

Who's more evil: The Nazis or Modern America?

Well, the nazis still have a higher body count and half of their murders were more directly criminal than most US caused casualties but the very fact that I am haggling over these trivialities begs the question, is that how we determine degrees of 'evil'? I think it is profoundly 'evil' to cause the death and destruction we have caused while sincerely believing we are acting in the interests of 'peace', 'freedom' and 'prosperity', and personally, I find no delivery system of death more repulsive, more heinous, more 'evil' than US economics. The nazis were in every bit as much self-denial about the consequences of their actions as are we today but they ultimately expressed their ideology in the direct terms of war and murder. To the US today, the war and the murder are indirect incidental byproducts not worthy of the lead story on the television news, and disregard for the consequences of the ideology appears to be one of the most essential principles of the ideology. I think it is legitimately arguable to speculate that perhaps the subversive clandestine form of 'evil' that occurs in US economics is even more insidious because it is so much more difficult to identify and confront than the direct and overtly insane 'evil' of the nazis.

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