Friday, August 12, 2011

Why Does God open His mind to those who "Fear Him" ? What does God say?

Confide, to reveal in trust or confidence, to put in another's trust or keeping, to have trust; impart secrets trustingly. to trust: fidere, fideicommisary, fideicommissum, Fidei Defensor, fidejussion, fidelity, fide of confide is faith. Where two or more are gathered in his name, there he shall be Justus. To confide with, there are many who love God the Father, and Jesus the Son, there is more than the one fold of Christianity, our languages have been mixed, manipulated, altered, removed, added too, but they will come from all directions, the common people regarded by men as contemptuous, worth less, they will make laws so as to keep us apart. It is better to know the words like a lawyer would know the words, and hinder not those who wish to enter. Israel was spread in all directions, not a piece of dirt, but in the Hearts. In the Koran Israfel is the angel who is to sound the resurrection trumpet, fearing because we do know the powers of God, a "ware" we carry, soft to those who love God, but still a ware.

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