Thursday, August 18, 2011

Why would he stop talking?

Most men are like this once you get to know them really well. My ex husband does the same. He just barely answer's the question. If I ask him something by text even, he doesn't even bother to spell it out he just puts 'K" in small letters....I hate it. Men do not know how to communicate. He needs to talk more and you need to tell him that or else he will never know how you feel. Good Luck

Where can i get a video game job?

i am 15 and i was wondering if i could be a beta tester but the question if if im old enough and whos hirering

Really bad week at work, how do you get the point across that you are capable when you're being undermined?

My position threatens another persons project and they want the position gone should I start looking for a new job?

What are symptoms of ABO blood type?

what are the symptoms? what is the defect (like what is wrong), what is the pattern of inheritance(recessive,dominant,etc.), birth frequency?, carrier genotype? please or give me a website to find this?

Hy iam aditya iam doing engg in mechanical production i want halp in machine drawing and dsign?

i want a ed ya machine design and drawing tutor iwant take tuestion this subject rply immidatly iam tens very much

Fantasy Baseball Trade?

Well...... Felix Hernandez is going to have a great year this season behind a tough Seattle defense. Hill is pretty average but should add some pop to your line up. It seems like you have a tough pitching staff to back up Hernandez. I would take the trade.

What do cons really get out of hating gay people?

Does it make them feel better about themselves to be bigots? Do they think they're acting on behalf of Jesus with their hatred?

Will the Packers and Minnesota both be undefeated when they meet week 4 on Monday night?

Yeah. Green Bay will definatley be undefeated, while Minnesota has a small chance of getting upset by San Fran, but still should roll.

Are guppies tetra and platys fresh water fish and are they compattable?

Yes they are freshwater fish and very compatable. The guppies and platties have alot of babies and never stop reproducing until their dead so I u get them, get a fish to control ur baby population like a feme veiltail bEtta or a school of 5-6 danios. Most tetras are fine except for the searpe ones. Neon cardinals pristella, glolite gold gold neon etc are all great

6 week scan and no fetal pole or heartbeat?

I had a miscarriage earlier this year so the OB said I could have an early scan to reure myself. Well this back fired on me because its stressing me more than helping me. I was 6w2d friday. I had a positive pregnancy test on 5/25. They showed me as 5 weeks pregnant on the scan which is impossible based on when I got the positive test. The tech called the Dr at the hospital u/s into the room and even the Dr said based on those dates (LMP and BFP) it didn't look good. I had blood work and will get the results tomorrow (had blood 10 days prior so willhave a # to compare it to). And I have to go back next Friday for another scan. I have prepared myself for the worse but want to know if anyone had this happen with a good outcome? Oh the tech did think she saw a flickering and my husband said he saw it too when she pointed it out. But what has me upset is that that the Dr said what he saw was not a 6 week pregnancy since there was a sac and yolk but no fetal pole. After the Dr left the room the tech told me not to loose sleep over what the Dr said because she saw a nice healthy sac. The other thing is she did both an abdominal and l scan. The abdominal was actually clearer (Same thing happened when I went ot the ER with my miscarriage). She said it was because of the angle she had to do the l. She said it was because I had a tilted uterus. I read somewhere that can effect what you see?

Should parents be sued for asking questions about their schools management?

Sounds to me as if this school is shooting itself in the foot. There is no way they will win this case, unless their allegations of defamation and libel are true, which seems unlikely. And to answer the question, yes, charter schools should be able to sue, but only if they have a case. This doesn't sound like a case to me, and public schools are different, naturally. Any activity funded by taxpayer monies would not have that recourse when taxpayers are only making sure their money is not wasted. Private organizations have that right, even if it is frivolous.

What kind of ATM's are there in Thailand?

Your something else. Where do you think you going to the jungles of the Amazon. Your find ATM machine's on every street in Bangkok and all over Thailand. You ask two question that are very insulting to Thai people as if it living in the early 1900's.

If the Eagles continue their slide and go One and Done in the playoffs?

Fat Andy is the problem but as one of the architects of the overhyped Michael Vick Project I have no doubt he'll be deified regardless of when the Eagles crash and burn. Reid is like a morbidly obese Mike Shanahan ... without the rings, of course.

Can u believe what Elton John said???

i agree -- with HIM, religion should be banned for brain-washing people... i don't hate religion, i think it does some good for society, but in the end it's a bogus way of controlling people!

Anyone ever had or know anyone who needed spinal fusion surgery?

My sister has to have spinal fusion surgery. She is only 42 years old and she has a 70% chance of a successful surgery in which she will not wind up in a wheelchair. She was recently diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease, Scoliosis, Sciatica, herniated discs in the lumbar spine, fractures and cysts in the lumbar spine, Lumbar Spine Stenosis, and Spondylosis, and there are pieces of her vertebrae floating inside her spine. Basically her spine is crumbling like a cracker. They say this is hereditary, but we know of no one in our family ever having anything like this. I really worry about back surgery of any sort, because I have never heard of a successful back surgery. She has no choice, the surgery is not an option. She must have it or she will definitely be in a wheelchair.

What does this word mean?

You are sitting in your room scanning through your copy of National Geographic when you encounter an ad for a contest that Merriam-Webster is having. The winner gets to create the meaning for a new word they are about to introduce in their latest dictionary. You tear the page out and throw it into your trash can (you are more of a numbers person, don't much care for the words). Because you are incredibly lazy you don't ever empty that trash can, opting instead to make your mother empty it for you. You're about to pay for that. She empties the can, finds the page, and enters your name into the contest, claiming it will be "fun and educational". Slightly disgruntled, you shake it off. You won't win anyway. Well, guess did. You think about rejecting the offer but you would hate to disappoint mom. So you take a trip and meet with the Merriam-Webster people, and learn that the word you will be igning a meaning to is "sperritrop". So, what does it mean?

What about Sherri Martel?

I saw Sherri Martel live in the AWA wrestling Candi Devine, and have followed her since. This was before "Sensational" "Scary", or "Sister" were added as nicknames. She was a goode ladies wrestler in her own right. She was an interesting character, who swung from fan favourite to heel. She always tried her darndest to give the best show every time out, she cared that the fans got their money's worth. She is missed.

Reality TV pushed too far ....... Everest: Deadliest Climb ....?

Haha, maybe they'll have some sort of 'fat camp' at the top of Everet next series - God I'd make a great tv exec!

What is the best watch for an Adventure Guide?

I am currently an Active Duty Marine, looking at what I want to do when I end my active service here in the next couple of years, and I've decided to try and use my GI bill to finish my Bachelors in Outdoor Parks and Recreation with the goal in mind of becoming an adventure guide/instructor. I'm looking for a multiple purpose watch that I can use for both skydiving and scuba exploration, as well as the usual outdoor adventure type activities (camping, hiking, touring, etc). So far, I've only managed to find one, the Suunto Observer TT Wrist-Top Computer Watch with Altimeter, Barometer, and Comp; but it looks like this watch is still more specific to just the camping/hiking activities. Does anyone know of a watch that can handle more extreme activities, or am I just going to have to buy multiple watches for the various activities I do?

Question for Willie Nelson fans,?

What did he do with his braid of hair he recently had cut off? I suggest he auctions it off and donated the money to some worthy charity.

Fare evasion prosecution?

After completeing my train journey i discarded my single travel card (paid for in cash) as i was now able to use my oyster to finish my journey, however i was asked by a collections officer to provide my ticket (since discarded), now i have a letter from the prosections department!! am i now stuffed and can expect to have a conviction??? has anyone else had experience of the prosecution department for "fare evading"???

Can someone find a bag for me?

okay so i want a quilted look bag but idk where to find one and i like them big i can spend up to 60 but i can go over a little i prefer black but i can be open, please help thank you so much! (:

Anyone Due End of Jan or Early Feb?

i didnt get to you on time to say congratulations on the bfp, im so happy for you, yes the p-ink and brown can be implantation, alot of stories i read here say that they get it right around the time of their period, even though most ppl say it happens around 6-10dpo, i dont think it does, hopefully this will be my month too, i am 3 days late and had pink spotting yesterday, today nothing, well congrats, and i wish you a happy healthy pregnancy

Do any of you remember Benoit vs MVP from Wrestlemania 23?

I thought it was the match of the night, with the 9 minutes given. I dont think it is on youtube, but it was REALLY good.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Amy & Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson and The Duff by Kody Keplinger?

The Duff by Kody Keplinger Is actually an awesome book, I haven't heard of the other one but ypu should totally read the DUFF

Two willie's nursery?

is two willies nursery a real store and everything or is it just a online selling seeds in packages if its a store whats there website

Anyone know what this bug is?

I just saw it in my backyard. its all over our fences and in our mulch and rocks surrounding the mulch. It seems to be harmless as it hasnt bitten anyonne but im not sure. its got a red shelled back. black antenna and 6 black legs. anyone know what it is?

Qualcast Concorde mower - very blunt blades?

i have an old electric Qualcast Concorde mower that lately has been useless because it doesnt cut the gr properly and i think its due to rusty blunt blades. my main concern is how do i sharpen the blades and what with? i have tried using pieces of gl paper, sand paper, and a metal filer but no results, although the filer got alot of the rusty bits off. i would have gone and bought a new model however i have found from review sites that their newer models are apparently 'cheaply made' and are not very sturdy, trustworthy etc. thanks

High Wasted Skirts During The Day.?

I love this skirt...What I would do to dress it down for a day look is a white tank (tucked in) and a cute pair of gladiator flats. some chunky accessories and you will be all set.. You could wear it in to fall by paring it with a denim jacket!

Religion and Spirituality Question: Is it common to have dreams about being left behind at the time of the?

rapture? I had a bad dream like that early this morning. I know I am saved (by grace through faith [Ephesians 2:8-9]), but I can't understand why I dreamed that. I know Jesus will come back at time we don't know, and those who are not ready will be left behind. Could it be a warning that Jesus is coming soon? It would be too scary to live on this earth during the time of a one-world government ruled by the antichrist.

Final fantasy?

would someone mind explaining me the WHOLEE story of final fantasy no details left out pleasee. i watched the movie advent children and didnt get anything : / jenova? what can someone tell me everything that has happened

AFL. This Saturdays Game. GF re match. Will it just be a blow out or could Saints do some damage ?

St Kilda will put the pressure on early and probably lead by 2 or 3 goals at quarter time, 10 at half time, Pies up by 22 at half time, Pies win by 58.

Starting Auto Transport Business. Have LLC and Tax ID #. What's the next step? ?

I need equipment and a huge yard for my trailers. Is there anyone out there who knows this business? I may be willing to hire as a consultant.

Ladies please help: What is the best place to meet an intelligent woman looking to meet an intelligent man?

I'm really tired of going out with women that have nothing to offer when it comes to intellect. I went out with a girl, very nice by the way but practically brain dead. She thought that "Great Expectations" by ens was a diet book -go figure. I'd really like to meet a woman that can stimulate me not only physically but intellectually. I've tried bookstores, libraries, college but haven't found her. I think intelligence in a woman is an extremely y characteristic but I would also like for her to be humble not self-centered and shallow like many I have encountered. Am I asking too much? an intelligent woman that is sweet and humble and wants to have a serious relationship with an intelligent and humble man. Looks is really not that important, I am the kind of man that falls in love with the interior beauty of a woman first. Physical attributes (although beautiful and stimulating in the visual sense) will fade away we the ping of time. No one can be beautiful forever but your intelligence and genuine qualities (if you have them) no one can't take away. Thanks ladies, I hope to hear some of your responses to my question.

1. An affluent society: In what ways did post war prosperity shape American society and culture in the 1950s?

1. An affluent society: In what ways did post war prosperity shape American society and culture in the 1950s?

Is it tru that mate tea can make you feel full for at least half a day?

im going to community college and i wont have time to go out an buy lunch or anything, i read in a health magazine that people drink this and it fights hunger pangs for at least half a day. and is it true people lose weight on this stuff? i want to feel full so i can stop snacking. thank you!. and if you drink it, tell nme if it makes you feel full and if you lost weight :)

Best Way to Travel in Europe (UK, Netherlands, Belgium, and France) over the next Month?

try ryanair, easyjet, there is cheap flights if you book early, or the train "thalys" between paris and brussels, amsterdam.

Will Gouldian finches mate with Spice finches?

I have a 2 Spice finches and are looking to buy some Gouldian finches. If I don't put any kind of nest/nesting material in the cage and I put the Spice finches and Gouldian finches together will they mate? And if they wouldn't mate, then would they at least get along?

Hershey Park roller coaster?

I'm going to Hershey Park in a few weeks with my friends. I've just started liking roller coasters, and now I'm going to try the ones that go upside down. I'm going to ride Farenheit. Is this an okay choice for my first upside down roller coaster? Is it fun? Will I regret it?

Joe Biden with Katie Couric?

Its kinda weird that we are just coming to realize that all politicians are idiots and we elect them in so what does that make us?

Can you SLI a Geforce 7600GS AGP with an nForce 3 Ultra board?

I own an old rig that I want to use for 2 more years, and as I was going through my Geforce 7600GS box, I noticed that it was SLI-Ready. Since my GF7600 is an AGP, I know that it can't SLI with another dedicated GPU. So I decided to look up a list of nForce boards that support the AGP interface and noticed that the latest one is the nForce 3 Ultra. Since there is no word on the Nvidia site as to whether or not this board supports SLI, I was wondering if I could indeed SLI my GPU with this motherboard. Is it POSSIBLE?

Regarding entropy and the 2nd law of thermodynamics, what is the relation between equilibrium and disorder?

I'm confused between a) maximum entropy of a closed system = disorder; b) max entropy of a closed system = equilibrium (or statistical probability distribution that elements in the system will be in such and such a predictable state. [one ex of b is the 'pixel hopper' [at]]. Why is equilibrium a disorder, necessarily? [No problem if I think of an ancient ruined city which is now a jumble of stones that used to be organized into temples, but if they disintegrate in patterns?] So why can't organized things be in equilibrium? like a diamond (either now and 50,000 years from now)? Maybe given enough time that too will break down, at which time its supply of potential energy will have dissipated. Is the difference between the relative equilibrium of non-entropic systems the fact that it could be (or could have been) all sorts of things? But the equilibrium of entropy is just one (predictable) state?

Annoy her until she leaves us alone?

You could introduce her to other people, or your could give her a "makeover". When she says something rude, tell her it is not cool to say that and it is rude. Ignoring her can hurt more than telling the truth.

Help! What can people tell from your email address?

If you do wanna get to know him, start with small talk. Don't give out too personal info until you get to know him. I have this penpal in Wales that I met on a penpal site and I consider her a great friend. And if he gets too creepy, quit contact and block him.

Is it all right not to believe in the bible?

I'm 13 and come from a christian family. We aren't EXTREMELY christian. But we go to church every few weeks. Now, I don't believe in the bible. I mean, we came from asteroids; god didn't wave his hand and create all life. I have some reeaally crazy theories, like "God" was an advanced alien, and that the Egyptians flew over to South America on a hot air balloon (more of that in my next question). My parents yelled at me when I said that I didn't believe in the bible. Is this right of them?

Why are oranges so hated where I live?

Where I am from (Canada) everyone despises oranges. I even hate them!!! My question is why does it seem like everyone in New Brunswick hates oranges. They are tart and hard to peel.. Are they better anywhere else?

My dog won't eat his food please help!!?

As long as he is drinking water he should be fine. After dogs go on trips they often come back a little different and uneasy. In most cases this doesn't last long. When animals get back from vacations they act in strange ways. Dogs that are house trained can suddenly pee everywhere or some dogs don't eat. If he continues to eat nothing at all go ahead and call your vet. For now just make sure he is at least drinking water. Don't be afraid to spice his food up a little bit to encourage him to eat it.

Does He Act This Way Because He Likes Me?

So this guy, Jonah, goes to my church. I've never really talked to him, but I know who he is. I guess he didn't know who I was, but knew of me. Well, I did my hair this really cute way before I went to church yesterday. (; All of a sudden, he comes up to me and very quietly but incredibly sweetly, says 'Hi, I'm Jonah.' and smiles. He's the shy type, like I am. I politely smiled back and returned his greeting with a 'Hey, I'm Jess.' and it came out pretty quiet, too. Well he plays the keyboard for our band and he kept staring at me. When the band was done and we were sitting down, I was popping my back and saw him staring at me! When our eyes met, he looked away. Later on, when me and my friend were waiting for my mom, he walked by and 'accidentally' brushed my arm lightly. You could tell it wasn't an accident by the way he hit my arm. He's like, super cute! Do you think he likes me?

People who give Christians a bad name.? Do you know any?

I'm wary to tell others that I'm christian because I know that there are a lot of judgmental christians out there. My next door neighbor was a minister but she was hateful and did not "love her neighbors." Do you know any people like this? Are there any other people of faith that feel the same way? I don't think there is anything wrong w/people practicing different is personal business! One of my best friends is agnostic and she has a heart of gold! She is much more loving than my minister neighbor is.

Is this enough?

Make sure you get your overnight bag packed for the hospital, blankets and a hat and outfit to bring the baby home in and a big fluffy comfy bathrobe for you and some soft slippers for your feet, and also comfortable pajamas for your stay. Also pads for your when the milk leaks and lansanoh cream for when your get dry and cracked that stuff works great and doesnt hurt the baby. I would buy more pads, trust me you'll need them. You didnt say anything about bibs, but my daughter was a messy eater so you might need those. Bath stuff is another thing you will need. infant Tylenol is also good to have when they give your baby shots. I gave it to my children right before the doctors appointment. ummm...I cant think of anything else at the moment but set aside some extra cash because something will probably come up and you'll have to run out and buy it. Good luck with the baby and congrats.

My PC won't display video?

Whenever I try to watch a video through windows media player or anything else on my computer, the video doesn't display. It works and all, the sound plays but it's always a blank image not doing anything. Even weirder, I've downloaded a video converter with a player which does work, but it's the only thing that displays video imagery. Does anyone know why this is happening & how to fix it?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why do I keep losing weight?

you said it yourself, hold a rock up and in the other hand a lump of lard, which weighs more? muscle weighs more than fat. not saying your fat, but your muscle to fat ratio will have changed because as you're not exercising as much, your body can't maintain that 'rock solid' muscle.

What will Richmond be on the ladder if they beat Adelaide?(AFL)?

IF they beat Adelaide they'll jump to 13th if North lose. If WCE lose, they won't over take them because they're percentage is alot bigger than Richmond's.

Do I have to pay City taxes working for an LLC?

I work in Bellbrook OH but live in Huber Heights OH. I have lived here for 10yrs and never have received info to file or pay city taxes should i be worried? (i make under 15k a year)

Rate me as a Pokemon Trainer!?

you should change ariel ace and smokescreen to different moves for charizard but other than that i give you a 7

Which exercise will help increase punching power?

anytime you make a change in how you work out... the muscles you used to use will fade, and you will strengthen different parts.... it is really a dilema we all fall into when we learn new things... "I used to be able to do this, but now I can do that" I dont think there is really an answer, unless you are 20 years old, filthy rich, and still find the desire to become they perfect speciman... (we all have to work for a living... damn the bad luck)

I think there is paranormal activity in my house?

i live in a 3 roomed house in stoke with my dad, step-mum, step-brother, step-sister and my real brother. In my room i took a picture of my reflection in the mirror for a Bebo photo, but later realised there was a black ghost-shaped thing in the mirror. Also we have experienced random phone calls with no answer, and objects being moved SOMEONE HELP!

Do you think, from gods viewpoint, there is one true religion?

Jehovah is God requiring exclusive devotion because he is the one and only true God deserving that exclusive devotion. It is clear in the scriptures that Jehovah seeks out his true believers and that he is rejecting false worship. We are warned of false prophets because Jehovah knew that Satan would continue to mislead people with his lies and one of those lies is spreading the belief that there is not one true religion and one true God.

Yahoo chat room help?

i was in a chatroom and this person sent me alot of ims so i would have to turn off my computer, and when i signed bsck on yahoo they did it again, can they get into my computer and mess things up??

Would America hate Abraham Lincoln today?

Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest presidents America has ever had made this statement in his lifetime. "Without the bible we know not right from wrong". If he were alive today, would America hate him as a president if he applied his devotion to God's Word to the issues that are at the forefront of our countries future? If he used the literal right and wrongs of the bible to judge on whether to p certain laws, would he too be called a fundamentalist bigot?

Pimples? please help?

I used to have this same problem, then my mom took me to the dermatologist. I use Neutrogena deep foaming cleanser morning and night, and in the morning i use a special lotion, and at night i take a pill, and at night i use ziana gel. It cleared pretty much up within like 3 or 4 weeks. It is all prescription though except the cleanser. hope this helps :]

How come some active duty marines are still near home after training...?

I think it's because the Active Duty Marines have alot of down time, and because they haven't been in Iraq/Afghanistan since 2008.

How do I make my youtube videos popular?

people are way too choosy nowadays, it's either you have to be a slut to be popular, or unafraid of doing it for the lulz to generate people's curiosity OR, just be plain obnoxious.

Are spider webs ever toxic or in any way mind altering?

Are spider webs ever toxic or in any way mind altering? I ran into some really sticky webs tonight, outdoors in the light, but i don't think I inhaled or ingested any.

40th Birthday Party for Mom?

My mom is turning 40 in November and I am only 17 right now. I want to throw her a surprise birthday party because she hates, but loves surprises. I was thinking about an over-the-hill party because she is hitting menopause really early. I have a few things picked out from Spencer's, like a "Birthday *****" cup, and some other things. But because I'm young, I really need some help. What are some fun, "over-the-hill" kind of birthday things can I do for her to remember her 40th birthday?

Which is the best place to study M.A degree of English language ?

I wanna study abroad but don't know which place I'll go.. I'm Iraqi guy and seek for comfortable and not expensive place...

What is the best brand of men's sweatpants? Nike, Adidas, Puma, Russell, Champion, or other?

There is no "best" brand. It's a personal choice. For every 100 people who say that Nike is the best you will find 100 others that swear Puma is the best, or Reebok, or Russell, etc. You need to go to the store and check out each brand on your own and see what you like. Personally, I like Reebok. My son loves Nike. There you have it.

Which is the better Computer?

first one no question. But, you can get a mac that is the same and is the same price. But, the first one is very good.

Who believes that the most underrated President in modern history was President George H.W. Bush?

I was proud to have him as my Commander In Chief during the Gulf War. President Bush saved the World Economy from mive financial failure by liberating Kuwait and driving the Iraqis out. God forbid if Saddam had captured Riyadh! The World would have been plunged into a deep Depression worst than 1929. God Bless America and the Bush Family!

Angela and Selena the same person? no way Selena died in morzan's castle when Murtagh was three years old.?

I really have no idea. This is a common theory, but there's just so many possibilities. I don't think she's really dead. I can't wait until the last book comes out!

What does it mean if 3 drinks makes me really nauseated, and pain killers is the same?

I get easily sick to my stomach and vomit if i take alcohol, and vicodin or other pain killers only makes me sick. My marijuana tolerance is extremely low, one hit makes me really high.... IN SPITE of the fact i have smoked it daily for 6 years. I am a full grown 24 year old man and I weigh 150lbs 6ft tall. am I an unusual genotype?

Opera vs. Chrome on a WIndows 7 Operating System?

I have been running firefox on Windows 7 for months at work. Business got windows 7 in july. Firefox runs perfect on it

What is the key reason behind radioactive decay?

Protons are positively charged and a small collection of protons should repel each other. The presence of (neutral) neutrons permits a nucleus to contain many protons that do not repel each other. Many elements contain different numbers of neutrons but the same number of protons and are called isotopes (meaning same place on the periodic table of elements). However if there are too many neutrons (either naturally of by induced radiation by bombardment of neutrons) the nucleus may be unstable and will decay to a more stable state often in a chain of decay products.

Can you put soy meat in a crock pot?

i don't think so because i think it will over cook the soy crumbles. i've cook them too long it reminded me of chewing on bits of pencil erasers. they were rubbery. when i cook them for a short period of time and used them they were texturally fine. maybe pan fry them and then add them a 1/2hr before chili is finished? i've always fried mine first, i hate nuked soy products because of the texture.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Is it possible to obtain a visa to go study in Colombia?

Im a british citizen looking to go to Colombia and study for a year to improve my spanish. How can i do this?

I have a 89 Ford Probe and wanted to know how to fix the motor on the window?

Im trying to fix it myself and need the schematics. Does anyone know where I can get a manuel or any recommendations for repairs. The motor runs but the (pulley?) mechanism is disconnected.

Best Martial Arts Gear?

WWW.COMBATSPORTS.COM these guys have the best selection and fair prices. every thing you need is in this one site. I buy all my stuff from them and have never had a problem.

What are some good martial arts for excersise and Mental health?

I'm not looking to be the next ultimate fighter but self defense is an added benefit I hear Thai Chi is very good for destressing but it's not as rigorous as I would like any suggestions ?

Calculate the molarity of the HNO3 solution. What m of HNO3 is in the initial solution?

A sample of barium hydroxide of m 9.670g was dissolved and diluted to mark in a 250mL volumetric flask. It was found that 11.56mL of this solution was needed to reach the point in a titration of 25mL of nitric acid solution.

Terror alert on freed UK suspects?

I recall we released one particular guy from Gitmo. He returned to Afghanistan and kidnapped some Chinese civilians working as contractors. He was killed a while back in either Northern Pakistan or Afghanistan. It appears Ms. Hodgkinson may be onto something and I would suggest they perk up their ears at Number 10.

How is heat transfered?& wat causes heat to be transferred.(conductors and insulators)?

Heat is the vibration and movement of atoms and molecules. In the process they bump into each other. If something is hot, it's molecules are moving faster with more energy (kinetic, motion energy). Heat is transferred when they hit other molecules that are not as hot (moving slower or with less energy) and causes them to speed up and the hotter ones to slow down, thereby transferring energy across. I don't know what level of answer you need but try for a higher level more detailed answer.

Recently discovered car has been clocked!!?

Yes I think so b/c the value of the car is based on miles also and it could effect your loan if you have one. The value of your car dropped when they found out it had more miles on it so yes ask them for money back or see if you can get another car from the place you bought the car from.

When separated the following nation?bangladesh,pakistan,ind…

india was broken in 1947 in aug 14 and 15...while the new nation pakistan e and w ...broke up in 1971

English help please ! Multiple choice (: !?

I would also choose B.. I remember my teacher telling us to always skim the text and try to find out the ideas.. this is especially important in timed exams like the reading ignment of the Cambridge exam.

How would i sharpen a dagger?

I received a dagger as a gift when my sister went to spain. It has about 1 mm in between the two sides, instead of an edge. I want to make it have an edge, so do i sharpen it with a whet stone, grind it, or what?

Am i the only one who forces my cat to snuggle?

i know my cat loves me. but she never sleeps on my bed.. shell sleep like on the floor. sometimes when i see her curled up in a ball i can't help but take her and force her too snuggle when my gf is not around. after about 3min shell start making all kinds of noises! she never hisses or scratches me cuz she loves her dady! but i can't help but force her to snuggle since shes so darn cute. am i the only onw who does this?

What can i give a sick baby to help her sleep?

my 15 month old is sop congested that she cannot sleep. i have tried a humidifer and propping her up and they help a bit but she just cant sleep for more than an hour at a time. doc wont prescribe anything. what can i give her to help her sleep?


thats really cute, but her hair is alot thinner. you could straighten your hair, but it still wont lookk the same

Does anyone think the Foo Fighters will put Young Man Blues on an album?

Only if they do a another live album from this year. I think they do a great cover of it but i think they just did it on tour to switch it up a bit.

Can someone tell me what Van Halen song this is?

I don't know what any of the lyrics are (sorry :( ) and I don't know if its Sammy Hagar or David Lee Roth who sings it, but I know they sing it really deep, almost menacing, which is crazy, 'cause they both usually sing sort of high. Can anyone tell me what song this might be?

Can you help me to explain this circle drawing algorithm?

The circle generating Algorithm. it has mentioned in my textbooks. but i am not getting it. can some one explain it to me with every derivation and equation?

What are some of hugo chavez's achievements and accomplishments?

I need some info on what are some of hugo chavez's achievements and accomplishments and i need a little bit of information about his personal life, his life as a president, early life, current information, what is he famous for and what is he known for note im in 7th grade make it easier! thnxz!!

Idea for the CLIQUE book series!?

I was thinking they should do a book on how Alicia decides its FINALLY time to get rid of Mie and kick HER out the Pretty Committee. Mie cant think of ANY thing else to do so she decides to try and make a BETTER committee with LBRs. Meanwhile, Layne is trying her ALL to get in the group becasue she if HALFway there! Then there's a school dance and now EVERYONE wants a date and to go in the "NPCWM" (new pretty committee without Mie) in Alicia's limo! Mie is still fab bout now things are out of control! The dance in the end is a DRAB but fortunately Mie meets a shy guy there! if you have any other ideas to add to this feel free to :) I want to hear ALL! This book would be sooo AWESOME! BYE!

ESPN Fantasy Baseball Question?

I don't want to be one of these wise es that answers "none", but seriously, none. Trade your 2nd or 3rd or 4th rounder for quality pitching if the situation is desperate. You just do not trade the best player in fantasy unless you are getting someones top two picks or something along those lines in return.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Girls -am I an Idiot? Did I Blow it?

I would find out why your ex cheated on you, and you may find it is the same reason your new gf dropped you. Cheating is never completely one sided, and if you are cheated on you need to understand that somewhere, somehow, you failed to satisfy the other persons needs in some way. If you can be honest about that, you will improve your chances in the future. Telling your new girlfriend probably had little to do with her leaving, but it may have reinforced some doubt she already had about you as a longer term prospect.

How would you fix the salary cap?

I think that players who have been brought up through the ranks of the junior clubs linked the club they play for should be exempt from the salary cap. This will encourage loyalty to a particular club and stop players from changing if the gr is greener with another club. It will just be luck and/or good training if the clubs are lucky enough to develop exceptional players.

Am I Protected?

That's a lot of software. You're never protected 100% and your best protection isn't the software, but educating yourself to be knowledgeable in what you're doing. Avoid downloading and installing questionable software, don't install anything if you're not sure what it is, don't go to sites you don't trust, etc....

Is anyone for the "fairness doctrine" or banning certain "talk personalities"?

If so how would you square your views with the Constitutional right to ownership of property and the first amendment?

If White America is so evil, why immigrate here?

Why is the richest man in Africa white? Why is the richest country in Africa, South Africa?(the wealth reaped upon it was there far earlier, then when Mr. Mandela took office) I think it is unfortunate to unleash bigorty in the guise of ungratefulness and sa whitey is evil, when "whitey" has basically shaped the vast majority with his intellect. Right about now, some AfricanAmerican studies professor will point out some minute fact, sure not all of the successes were done by people "without color", which wholehearteadly concede to. But the fact is for whatever reason people seem to be flocking to white nations, and not necessarily to nations of color(African). Coincidentally,the nation with the largest population of expat Americans is Mexico.

What does smug mean...?

somebody just called my avatat thingy smug. what the heck does that even mean.. is that lke some other stupid teenager slang word or something?

I need to find a song?

i really want to know the name of the song fron the new Terminator Salvation movie. it's the one used in the advert please help!!!!!!!!!!!

How many Electoral Colleges are there?

A friend of mine claims there is more than one, but I stand by the fact that there is only one. Can someone clear this up for us?

How do I make Beethoven's Fifth Symphony less scary for my 5 yr old?

That overture is actually quite harsh but you have to explain to her that like with all things in life for every rough there is a soft. Have her rub a rock and then something soft like silk then explain to her that the roughness of the rock makes the softness of the silk better.

Who is the Fittest and Fattest AFL player currently ?

I really don't know who would be the fittest and fattest, because i need too know, if it is a good player, because my coach says he wants me too beef up but i like being fit the way i am, but i hear fat players are still good.

The concept of swearing is absurd?

Cannot agree with you. I use the words, but selectively, always aware of where I am and in what company. It is society that has deemed those words offensive, not some nameless board set up in secret to decide such matters. If you live in society, you live by society's rules. If you choose not to live by those rules, then society looks at you as the boorish buffoon you are.

How do I deal with a haunting memory my son's father?

I loved him very much but he was so depressed and it didn't show until after our son was born. His sadness spread to me to the point I had to seperate from him to keep from joining him on a journey to suicide. I didn't know he was suicidal until after we seperated. He committed suicide and I have spent years trying to recover from the guilt and anguish of it. I have been to some therapy and on a mild anti-depressant for a time when it was unbareable. I thought it was getting better but I still feel he is a huge presence in my life... haunting me through memories and dreams... It has a profound affect on my family when my husband wants to know everything and I hate him for it. This is a personal matter to me entangled with guilt and resentment for decisions I made in the past. Please help if you can. Sometimes I can't breathe in the life before me for the sadness that overcomes me.

Does getting a license suspension in another state deny you the privilege to drive in other states?

I was driving back from New Hampshire when I was pulled over by a state trooper for making a no turn on red (knowingly). I didn't pay the 60 dollar fine and because of this I have just received a notice from the New Hampshire dept. of safety which tells me that my license is suspended in indefinitely. My question is will I be able to continue driving in Machusetts (long time residence), or is my license suspended everywhere?

Is it safe in Lebanon?

awwwww how cute!! :) ...yesss its safe, techinically its not, as the UN has put a danger warning sign when travelling there, but it cant be as bad as Iraq, Iran and other countries , so yeah nothing will happen, many people visit Lebanon and the Middle East and everything turns out fine. She is not going to walk into a war battlefield lol dont worry, she'll have fun.. what is she going to name the baby she is adopting by the way ?

Is it me or do you also get annoyed with...?

Yes it irritates me as well. I also think that people are very quick to jump in with the racism card when it's to do with a white person "apparently" being racist. Racism exists in ALL cultures, black people can be racist to whites, whites can be racist to asians, asians can be racist to whites, the list goes on and on. I think people should take the time to truly listen to the POINT being made, rather than focus on race. By focusing so hard on race, people actually create MORE of a divide between cultures, than just acting as one huge global community on the ISSUE at hand in the first place!

What should i do?

Sry this will be kind of long... Recently, I moved in with my good friend Michelle who has alot of medical problems, she had byp surgery and it went wrong causing a numerous amount of more medical problems. Because of this she is in alot of pain and has been for years so her dctor prescribed her a patch for the pain. I dont remember what the patch is called but i do know that it is 100 times stronger than morphine, it's thermal, and very dangerous. This patch can kill anyone who uses it if they havn't built up a tolerance by using it for years like Michelle whose had her dosage increased gradually. About 3 weeks ago some of Michelle's jewelry and one of her patches went missing. This patch is used as a recreational drug among drug abusers, and it's also very expsensive, about $500 for one patch that is as strong as hers, people want to get there hands on it to sell.The only people who have been at the house is my friend Nicole, so she was a suspect. (cont'd below)


Trust me when I say this, no guy will think you are weird just for saying something to them. It's not that difficult to start a conversation. Sit down before he does, wait for him to sit down and say "hey his name, how's it going?" from there just make basic conversation like "wow it is really nice outside today" or "did you see the game last night"? and then just go from there.

This or that!?! Girl names(:?

Alivia Autumn Bailey Caydence Delia Ella Faith Harley Isabella Jaycee Kendall Leah Mackenzie Nicole Paysen Rulin Samantha Taylor Victoria Zahara

I and my wife live in a house that her son sub lease in south carolina?

he signed a promissory note of 5,000.00 dollars payable in 395 days or live rent free for 12 months on the money orders in the memo it reads pre payed rent 12 1/2 months this make him our land lord right leaglly right because now that were 7 months in about half of the money + to rent he want to shut the lights and for us to move out my wife and i are disable my wife more so than i any one have advice

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is metalcore and melodic death metalk the same genre?

please i hope it isnt. but bands like scar symmetry and a few others make me think they may be the same genre.

A question to all mothers?

Give her one back, discipline like anything else or stop being a troll. Find new hobbies and friends.


You are reacting washing soda with hydrochloric acid and produce a gas carbon dioxide, and sodium chloride salt, Na2CO3 (s) + HCl (aq) ↔ NaCl (aq) + CO2 (g), using your knowledge about what happens when a product is removed in a reaction during equilibrium, what direction will the reaction go?

Should I do Boxing or Kickboxing?

Ok, its a simple question but its a hard decision. Me and my brother want to take a self defence course and we are split between boxing and kickboxing. I'm 6'5 250 pounds (im also doing this to get in better shape). I think boxing would be better but my brother of course...disagrees and says kickboxing lol. I think being better at punching and dodging is better then kicking punching and dodging because you have less to worry about and less to train and can concentrate on basicaly one thing....punching lol, and i feel like you learn less of each because you have more to learn but thats just my thought, even though I have really long legs. My brothers reason is in kickboxing they teach you a ground game which would help, but i dont know :l What are your thoughts on this dilema? :D thank you all!

Has "checks and balances" of the government been thrown under the bus by Obama & the Democrats?

There is no "checks and balances" currently active. We are temporary screwed. This is what happens when 1 party has full control. Normally there would be common sense that would prevail in a party so that they do not abuse a 1 party rule. However in this case there is a party in power using the democratic party name which is using this situation to their full use. It's Progressives and liberals which have hijacked the dems and the dems appear to not care.

You think McCain and Mitt Romney could could a good pair for the Rep. Party?

I think this would be a great pair for the Re. Party. Mitt brings a strong background in economics and he can win the south. He won 80% of conservatives votes. More than Huck. I think they would defeat anyone. Very strong pair those two.

Could i be pregnant....?

I remember I saw a show on Discovery Fit and Health,and it said that you may have a baby stirring inside your stomach.Have you gained 20-30 lbs,or around those numbers.But,on the show,it was because the condom broke.

I have a Dell Dimension 4500...and want something on the line of a Gaming PC?

You really should start with a new platform, ddr3 memory, etc. Nothings new forever, but starting off with the newest now you can build a modest system and have plenty of room to upgrade and "stay in the game" for awhile.

Why does my channel for CW switch to a different station thing at nine o'clock?

It really pisses me off because Supernatural doesn't play until nine and i can't watch it. so please explain it to me?

Where can i buy frozen or fresh egg noodles(ramen style)? ?

I really luve ramyeon! but can't eat the kind you find in the packets b/c its fried and not health, anyway yep need help find these noodles. All I really have around me is Sam's, Winn Dixie, Wal-Mart, Harvey's, haven't really seen any in these stores maybe I over look them. If you can tell me what stores to go to and what part of the store to go to find them. Last option is ordering off line. Thxz ^_^ (rambled a little)

Okay, I dont know what to do...?

When your parents give you money just buy a cute purse with it and hide it in your bookbag untill you get to school and if they ask you about it say its your friends!! Get a pink one they are always the best!!

Have you ever noticed the following in?

What, everyone is going to go to hell for that too? Just keep quite about it. God probably hasn't even noticed.

Student Stereotypes help?

A perfect student stereotype would be this: Christina gets all A's and is always picked first for teams.She is in many academic and athletic extracurricular programs.A rowdy student might be like this: Drew yells out in cl and distracts other students during work time.He never appears to listen to anyone and hardly ever does what they say.A stereotype might limit our understanding of those types because we always ume that the rowdy type never does anything right and is an embarrment that will never change.We also ume that the perfect type is supposed to never miss a question or be mean and is never thought of having human flaws.These stereotypes might influence people and make them think that they must be perfect and can never do anything bad or they might think that they can never be good and school is hopeless because the teachers and students don'y like you.

Im looking for some good signers/bands?

acoustic, rock and pop would be the best but tell me your fav im trying to widen my variety of music

Did any one see the news for today, it was funny?

An Iraqi man threw two pairs of his shoes at President Bush. Even though he dodge both of them, it was still pretty funny. Turn to any channel that is talking about the news and you will probably see it.

How old to go to a concert!!!?

I wanna take my friend on a date to an mcr concert we are both 16. If we get a ride and a ticket there would we be allowed in? Or is their an age limit?

Do I have an eating disorder?

You probably have a high metabolism.Since you play tennis(LIKE ME!!!!!)Then try eating high protein foods( like lean meat or eggs).that should build muscle,then youm wonyt look so skinny!!!:)

Do you need to add dechlorinator to distilled water?

All the nasties such as chlorine, heavy metals and chloramine are removed by the distillation process. However distillation also removes most trace elements which causes the pH to crash to dangerously low levels. If you added untreated distilled water to an aquarium containing fish it would easily send them into a state of osmotic shock, which eventually results in death. To add vital trace elements and minerals back to the water and also to raise the pH and hardness you can purchase special additives from aquatic stores.

Does prosecution lead to a criminal record?

being prosecuted does not leave a criminal record. But it will leave a record of being charged with the crime. Meaning that if someone does a background check this could show up. Again it may show up. It will only show you were charged with this crime but no conviction.

My knee has been popping out why?

in the last week my knee has popped out of place 3 times. i have no idea why it does this because i havent really done anything that i know of to hurt it. it happens like this: ill be sitting down somewhere and then go to move my leg slightly and my knee popped out, it felt stuck like i couldnt move it but it wasnt very painfull, but then i moved my leg a little and it popped right back in. this has happend 3 times and i have no idea why. its more scary then it is painfull

What should I expect when adopting a deaf and/or blind puppy?

I don't have anything to contribute other than saying kudos to you for making sure you know everything involved BEFORE adopting a handicapped dog. Hopefully you'll get some good answers here, but I'd strongly recommend discussing all these issues with the rescue agency, as they are used to working with blind & deaf dogs of this breed

I was born in the 80's but I wish i was born in the 40's, Just so i could have dodged the vietnam draft?

Good luck on that one, because if you were to be born in the 40's, guess what Whistle Nuts your a*s would have been sent to Nam, sloshing through the rice paddies, during the 68 Tet-offensive hunting for "charlie".

Does anyone know of lists of Italian POWs who were exchanged with Russian prisoners in 1920?

I am looking for info on my great-grandfather, Armando Cordara, who was taken to Russia in 1918 and released in 1920 in the Italo-Russian prisoner exchange.

How much trouble am I in if I use someones credit card without them knowing it?

I am a signer, but it's a relatives card. I maxed it out. Can I be put in jail? Am I obligated to pay it off since it isn't in my name?

Why is meat (ribs) so dry in crock pot?

Normally, I bake pork country style ribs. It was hot, so I browned them and stuck them into a crock pot with BBQ sauce. 6 hours later, we ate. The meat was falling apart tender, but so dry it was nearly unedible. What happened?

If a well-qualified lifeguard were in the ocean on a calm day, they would be considered nekton.?

Yes, a nekton is an organism that can swim independently of water current. Of course, if the current is strong, no human can swim independently of it. Animals like whales, seals, sea otters, and fish are considered nektons, as are molluscs and even adult jellyfishes.

Im 13 i've wet the bed for a long time, i have to go to a friends for a week, how do i stop him noticing it? ?

tell him that this is something that affects lots of people, and its not something you're in control of. if you'd feel more comfortable how about wearing thicker pjs?

Who's more evil: The Nazis or Modern America?

Well, the nazis still have a higher body count and half of their murders were more directly criminal than most US caused casualties but the very fact that I am haggling over these trivialities begs the question, is that how we determine degrees of 'evil'? I think it is profoundly 'evil' to cause the death and destruction we have caused while sincerely believing we are acting in the interests of 'peace', 'freedom' and 'prosperity', and personally, I find no delivery system of death more repulsive, more heinous, more 'evil' than US economics. The nazis were in every bit as much self-denial about the consequences of their actions as are we today but they ultimately expressed their ideology in the direct terms of war and murder. To the US today, the war and the murder are indirect incidental byproducts not worthy of the lead story on the television news, and disregard for the consequences of the ideology appears to be one of the most essential principles of the ideology. I think it is legitimately arguable to speculate that perhaps the subversive clandestine form of 'evil' that occurs in US economics is even more insidious because it is so much more difficult to identify and confront than the direct and overtly insane 'evil' of the nazis.

If I deleted a couple of files on my computer and it restarts and says "IFSHLP.sys" missing, what do I do?

I know I need a Windows ME boot disk but where for free and no spyware or spam is there like a website! I really need to boot my computer up!

Would Hillary be for or against Elton John wedding another man in America?

One good deed deserves another. Elton John performed for Hillary in NYC last night to help raise funds for her campaign. Is Hillary going to back same marriages in America if elected President?

My dog's feces is dark brown and hard. Is it constipation or something worse?

I hadn't change his diet and he is active as usual. Sometimes it's even black. His feces is small and pebble-like.What's wrong? What can i do?What causes constipation?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Prelude to a kiss? (please help me out :) )?

ok. so, theres this guy that i kind of like and i think he kind of likes me too. we're just friends right now, but because of a club we're both in, we were together on valentines day. we both had to attend a banquet and after i dressed, he saw me and told me i looked hot. we both continued to walk in our separate directions, but he turned around a followed up with "damn, girl" and then walked away. (by the way...this is his personality...the hot and damn girl). anyway, we are in different groups for this club and his group leader brought their group mustaches. after we finished eating, they all put them on to go take a picture. while we were waiting for our turn, i asked him to hold something for me while we took a different picture. after i got it back from him, he stood really close to me for a few minutes. during this time, he leaned in to kiss me twice, but didn't kiss me either time. am i looking too far into this? what does it mean??

What protection do we need to use whe having after radioactive iodine therapy?

i know we cant have or close contact for 16 days after the treatment but then I understand we have to use protection for for up to 12mths. what i need to know is whether this is just to prevent pregnancy or is it dangerous for sperm to enter me at all during the next year. If it is just to prevent pregnancy can I then just use contraceptive pill as before rather than condoms?

Can Enlightenment be defined as attained General Semantics?

A breaking down of how our brains perceive symbols until we realize the things we fight, and kill and die for are symbols, not the thing we're upset about in the first place.

Constructive criticism?

I enjoyed that very much. I was a little confused by one thing. I am confused by the point of view. Shouldn't you tell it as though the boy goes in through the gates and does not know all this until he experiences it? As it is, it seems like it has all already happened. I would like to have it happen in the present time. Does that make sense? You are a good, imaginative writer.

Veronica Mars?

Does Veronica Mars still play on the CW? I didn't see it yesterday (Tuesday). Is the third season over?

Why Does God open His mind to those who "Fear Him" ? What does God say?

Confide, to reveal in trust or confidence, to put in another's trust or keeping, to have trust; impart secrets trustingly. to trust: fidere, fideicommisary, fideicommissum, Fidei Defensor, fidejussion, fidelity, fide of confide is faith. Where two or more are gathered in his name, there he shall be Justus. To confide with, there are many who love God the Father, and Jesus the Son, there is more than the one fold of Christianity, our languages have been mixed, manipulated, altered, removed, added too, but they will come from all directions, the common people regarded by men as contemptuous, worth less, they will make laws so as to keep us apart. It is better to know the words like a lawyer would know the words, and hinder not those who wish to enter. Israel was spread in all directions, not a piece of dirt, but in the Hearts. In the Koran Israfel is the angel who is to sound the resurrection trumpet, fearing because we do know the powers of God, a "ware" we carry, soft to those who love God, but still a ware.

What is a PDF file?

First response is correct. PDF stands for Portable Doent File. Although the program to read these is free, the program to make these files isn't; Adobe has to make some money somewhere.

MJ fans - I don't know what to believe about Michael's health before he died.?

This Is It was edited by Kenny Ortega to make Michael seem healthy. They are lying to us. There are pictures which you can see Michael weight is very alarming then the same pics appeared in magazines or websites and he seem more healthy. They edit everything, they are trying to hide the truth! Dont be fooled!!

In fraternities and sororities, what is the significance of a paddle?

The paddles are gifts that the new members decorate and give to their big sisters. Purely decorative memorabilia, mine's hanging on my wall. I wasn't hazed and I don't know anyone that was.

How would I go about writing a critical ysis on "A Dream Deferred"?

yze what they author is try to portray, and its use of literary devices such as simile, metapor, etc.

Where can I get a virgin Harvey Wallbanger with none of the alcohol, and twice the "bang"?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Ugh , I dislike my mom .?

where do i start she a pain in the every since i've moved to oklahoma we been fighting so much she so Freaking annoying when i do something good she never recognized it , But all the bad stuff i did since 2nd grade she stills brings that up and im 13 well gonna be 14 in july 16 and like i run a tumblr and i have two to show my girly side and the other one to show the girl who is intrest in gory horror stuff she got mad at looking at my tumblr that she was like I DISOWN YOU . she always threaten me to send me off to africa . . w/ my dad and basically I dont have a good relationship with anyone in my family I HATE MY LIFE SO MUCH , like i wanna be adopted by another family cause everyday is a fight about something different and since she works at a psychologist hospital she gets soo much patients my age and she so scared like she scared about weed and she thinks energy drinks etc are bad -__- like OMG i dislikee her !

Is this a good way to ask a girl out?

yes it is a good way to ask a girl out...but I'm not so sure about telling her that you have a crush on her to her like that...she might be creeped out....

How are people born with Shyness? Is it hereditary? genetic? developed? what causes shyness/anxiety?

People who are not shy, does that mean they were never shy in their whole life? What causes shyness? are you born with it or is it developed?

Girls/moms i need your help?

Try to relax, it's not that bad. I still HATE to go, so I understand how you are feeling. I have had 4 children, you'd think I would be "over it" by now. But every time I go, I always say to myself after "that wasn't so bad". The anxiety gets to people. When you go for the first time, you will meet the Dr. first in his office. Then the Nurse will take you to the room and have have you get changed into a gown with everything else removed. The Dr. usually does a exam and then uses a speculum to preform a Pap smear. Good luck!

Why doesn't my boyfriend ever kiss me?

I'm shy so it's hard for me to initiate kissing. I have asked him for a goodbye kiss a few times, but all he gives me is a little peck. We've only truly kissed one time the first few weeks after we met, and we've been together six months now. He loves to snuggle, but he just will not kiss. I don't get it. What's wrong? And he never really openly says he loves me (only once) or calls me honey in text messages once in a great while. I have social anxiety, so it's hard for me to call him pet names or kiss or say I love him when he doesn't ever initiate it, and talking about it just feels awkward. I don't want him to kiss me just because I want him to. I want him to kiss me because he wants to.

How is this song I've written, plz rate and opinions?

yeah its pretty good! i could tell what the song was about towards the end. if its a true story what a freaking jerk!! just one thing i would say is that the chorus might just be a little short, in my head i can see it being a little bit longer to really illustrate your feelings but thats just me. i really like the second verse and the bridge though :) hope this helps :)

Minnesota Twins Trade Rumor?

it would be pretty good because the twins need some power in the line-up and it would make space for Lirano.

How do I know if my dog is ok?

Watch him for any signs of lethargy or unusual behavior. Even without that, if the vomiting lasts more than a day, get vet help as he could have ingested something toxic or could hae an intestinal blockage from a foriegn object.

How awkward should i feel (My brother and his GF PDA's)?

Ok so my brother hangs out in my room alot (only like a 12 x 12 ft room(tiny)) and some times he has his girlfriend over, and some times they start making out... Some times it will be just a kiss, but other times it gets to the point of "making out kissing" neck kissing, and (and almost )... while I am sitting within 2-3 feet of them. And they have a room they can go in, which they do go into, but i feel they are using my room as four play then only leave when they want to have . Personally if i had to rate from 1 out of 10 i would give it a 10 for awkwardness. Am I right to feel that awkward? or are they in the wrong? How would you feel?

Could I be Pregnant with my tubes tied... Kinda Long, sorry?

It is possible. Nothing is 100 percent effective. But you do need to be careful because IF you are one of the "lucky" statistics then you also have a high chance of it being an ectopic pregnancy. You need to go ahead and take a test and then if it's positive go to the doctor immediately. Good luck.

Is there any current (or past) Country hits or artists that everyone loved but you can't stand?

I am with you on Rascal Flatts they are way to pop for my taste. I like used to like Taylor Swift but she can not sing,I saw her in concert when she was opening for Brad Paisley and she was very off key, but I do however like the songs she writes,she just should not sing them...

Atheists; Why do you continue to embrace the Big bong theory?

Actually, I prefer little bongs. They're easier to hide from your kids. Besides, big bongs are weed burners.

Is Nancy Pelosi's reversal of the 'fairness rules' the kind of change Obama intended?

what do you expect from a party that is nothing but s.anyone that believed in obama and the democratic party is a fool

What do you think she's up to?

i understand your concern but you really should let her take care of herself without making her feel guilty about it. she is obviously trying to take care of herself and your overbearing need to know everything will give her more grief. let her handle her business and just be there for her.

I like this guy but does this guy like me?

so i like this guy alot, but idk if he likes me. we talk every day all day and at night we are on the phone from like ten to 4am. we laugh and understand each other. we have been through the same thing of things like with his mom and my dad leaving and so we understand each other. but we've been talking for like three weeks like this and he still hasnt asked me out. i dont talk to any other guys cause i dont wanna mess it up. my question is how can i get him to ask me out? we like real all the time so im always myself when im with him. someone help please

Anyone detect a bit of Beethoven in Jimmy Page's guitaring?

I was listening to one of my favourite violin concertos, Beethoven's only one, and in the second movement, in a solo the violin segment reminded me of something I heard as a teenager. I vaguely remember a Jimmy Page solo segment sounding a lot like the violin piece in Beethoven's work. Has anyone ever noticed this? It is unmistakable, except I cannot remember the name of the Zeppelin tune.

What is a good jar sauce for meat in a crock-pot?

I’m making meat for my office party next week. I need a good marinara jar sauce for my meat. I was thinking of turning on my crock-pot on high at 6 am for our luncheon at noon. Will this be enough time to heat up my meat?

Navel piercing hot and y or not?

I think they're really pretty. Just as long as you don't have like many piercings but yea they are deff pretty and not trashy unless your trashy which by your description your like me (not trashy) good luck and they are super pretty (:

Calculate the concentration of ammonium ions in the solution.?

A 250mL stock solution was prepared by dissolving 3.1 g of ammonium sulphite monohydrate in distilled water in a 250 mL volumetric flask.

Did u get the themes of the movie ( mulholland drive ) directed by David Lynch ?

i was very much fascinated by the movie but i really want like ( literary notes ) and an interpretation of its symbolism , can u please tell me what u have understood of it ?

Vet Tech Schooling question?

You completely avoid any school that is not accredited. There are tons of stories out there of young adults who lost their entire college savings going to schools that promised them that they were working on accreditation. Graduation rolled around, said students tried to get certifications in their fields or tried to transfer credits to legit universities, and it turns out that it was all a waste.

I get chest pains on the left side under the nipple?

sometime i feel a quick sharp pain under my nipple, it seems to only happens when i think about it. if im out hanging out with friends i dont notice it ever. when im at my house bored, i start thinking abut the pain and thats when it starts happening. i think it may just be in me thinking i have it but im not sure.

How is Universal Studios Hollywood's Terminator 2 Show compared the the movie? compares well. It is an epilogue, if you will, taking place basically right after Terminator 2 ends. Arnold comes back (and kicks ***) and so does the liquid terminator...can't remember his name. Lots of action and awesome 3-D effects. Just to note, the beginning of the show is live-action. It then shifts and goes onto the screen to utilize the 3-D effects.

How come when I lose weight you guys are interested in me?

If you looked the first picture, you were not ugly by any means. Guys (I know, I'm one.) are shovenistic, pig-headed fiends. (thats a huge generalization but for some of them its true and for most, is important in varying degrees) My fellow guys like the skinny, tight body. (no offense) They can't accept a woman for what she looks like. Now, I'm not a saint. I have said some girls that are skinny are hot, and some plus sized women weren't attractive, and I beat myself up over it everyday. Just be who you want to be. My fellow man will always like the skinny women, but if women take a stand and be who you want to be, we will change. (We'll have to, we won't be able to find anyone. Again, no offense)

Hi, please clarify whether we can perform statistical ysis by entering 'frequencies' in SPSS.?

SPSS - statistical package for social sciences - please clarify whether we can use this package for statistical ysis without creating database and entering only frequencies. please clarify.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Can someone please quickly edit this paragraph for me (French)?

L’école élémentaire Maison Montessori a créé le programme Tricycle qu’encouragent les élèves utilisé transport actifs. La majorité de Francophones ont dit qu’ils sont très dispersés donc ils sont obliges d’utiliser les bus y aller. Élèves de l’écoles élémentaire, secondaire et université allez a ateliers et appendent au sujet de l’enviroment l’économie la sante physique et la cohésion sociale et comment le transport motifs les affectés. Aussi ils on appendu les toxines dangereux de transport motifs devraient contribue de les variétés des maladies. Dans l’atelier ils leur encourageaient utiliser transports actifs. Ils espèrent que si ils continuent ce programme il encouragea les élèves changer leur méthodes de transportation garder l’enviroment.

The DH is a position too, Edgar Martinez will make the Hall of Fame in 2010, just like relief pitchers make?

the Hall, i.e. Fingers, Eck, Gossage, Sutter, etc, DH's will start to make the Hall too. Paul Molitor spent half of his career as a DH. Why are people so hung up on Edgar being a DH? It has been a position in the AL since 1973, that's 35 years.

What do you think about these?

you are awesome. i actually enjoyed readin this, which at first i was like what the heck? but it really made me think. thank you for writing that.

Is the m of the nucleus the same for the isotopes of the same element?

No the m of the Nucleus is the Protons plus the Neutrons. What makes each isotope different is the number of protons. This therefore changes the m of the nucleus (which also affects the atomic m).

Am i meant to model???????

I personally don't see it, but if anything, I can see you modeling for a company like Hurly or Roxy. Your eyes are beautiful and definitely brown hair.

Is it possoble to light a candle within a spaceship?

Yes.There will be pressurisation and temperature control to simulate the conditions as on Earth. So it is as good as lighting a candle on earth.

What are the best lotions to use while pregnant?

I have heard good things about BioOil for pregnancy and personally like it. It's recommended for stretch marks. It has to be applied twice daily from the first trimester until after birth.

My gf is break-up with me, but how long should I wait, to DATE?

Just take your time and don't rush into anything right now. Enjoy this time to yourself to discover what you want to do and if she were to come back you can see if you want to work it out with her again and you don't have to worry about having that other person there and worrying about hurting them if you chose to get back with her. Believe it or not i know it will hurt for a little bit but you will also have a chance to grow a little bit and get to see how much you care or even love her. If you get into another realtionship right now it will probably end badly because you haven't had a chance to heal from your your ex. Good luck to you

My tiger oscar has been acting fishy?

Is it scratching itself on the gravel and decorations as if it is itching? if so, it could have parasites. check for any signs of ich (tiny white spots) as for his eating, try feeding a few pieces of food at a time, not a full feeding. Does he get his mouth full then spit it out? if so, what are you feeding him? some pellets might be too hard at first for him. Try pre-soaking a few pellets before feeding. It's what I do for my bettas.

How come miley and mandy were going against acdc?

the were battling but the miley and mandy won and that is good because i love miley and mandy especially mandy but i was wondering why were they battling

Why aren't the things in life free?

One of the quote i go by is "Nothing in life is free" which maybe vague but to me it explains that in life there is always a price you have to pay for anything and everything, whether by monetary value or other means (metaphorically speaking), but it also could explain how everything in life is all about the money and even though it seems free, its not and theres always something behind it, there's always a catch so to say. But since its vague and out there, what do you think it means? And why aren't they free? Your own opinions and insight please.

Should I start Carson Palmer or Mark Sanchez this week?

Sanchez because the jets defense has been shutting down opposing receivers therefore leaving little room for palmer to throw to ocho or TO.

Why do i keep getting up dates whe i turn & when i turn off all the same ones they wont come on since i instal?

dont seem to go on i have tryed taking bloker off made no difference it all started when i installed Norton Security it is driving me up the wall i have to turn on some 15 minites befor it finish's then when i log off it is the same, i have asked Norton with no reply please help dennis

Am i eating correctly?

If you have issues with weight do what I did - try acai berry. If you are desparate to lose weight its superfood qualities help plenty - but those same qualities additionally help those who are trying to bulk up. Fantastic! There's a free trial happening at the moment at , try it, what's the worst that could happen?

Why is accounts receivable included on an income statement but accounts payable is not?

because accounts receivables shows what others owe you, which will turn into income at some point... accounts payable are what you owe others, and will decrease cash on hand at some point, but this is not income... hope this helps...

Heritage Project. Any ideas?

It sounds like the purpose for doing this ignment is not only to share your heritage with the cl but to also delve into your own family history. Have you ever asked anyone in your family about the old country? Do you still have grandparents or great aunts/uncles you could interview? They most likely have a wealth of information on old family traditions or can give you old family recipes. It's amazing what you can learn about your ancestors and essentially about yourself if you just take the time and ask a few questions. Enjoy it, and if you are able to give a few family interviews, tape record them!! You'll thank yourself in years to come!

Harry Greb vs Randall"Tex"Cobb, 15 rounds, who wins?

Greb is arguably the greatest middleweight of all-time, and Cobb, for a couple of years, was a pretty good contender in the heavyweight division.Who wins in a prime-for-prime matchup?

When can we give our newborn puppies their first bath?

just out of simple curiousity again =] our dog sofie had pups on the 23rd of may and we want to know when can we give the puppies their first bath and if there are any puppy shampoos you reccomend

Can you help me with my Descursive essay?

I had no idea what a descursive essay might be, so I went to a dictionary. Lo and behold, such a word does not exist. On that basis alone, I ume whatever you wrote is grammatically incorrect.

Where do I buy countdown timers? (Melbourne, Australia)?

There are many manufacturers of count down timers but the most frequent that we use at work are made by Eagle Timers for making batches at the bakery I am an electricain. They can count up or down and what ever you want as long as you have a switched input.

When leaving the USA to Caribbean, do you you have to show Green Card as well as pport.?

I have UK pport and green card. Green card has expired but wnat to try travel anyway and deal with it trying to get back in but want to be able to leave at least.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Copyright law?

In a published work, when referencing a registered trademark name ( such as Microsoft Excel(r) ), do you have to put the "(r)" after EVERY mention of the word? Say you mention this same program 50 times throughout your publication, would you have to put the (r) mark after each instance?? Someone told me you only need it the first time, but I can't find any "law" either way. Thanks

10 team H2H League..... i am not sure if i should accept this offer but i think i should.................?

I'd say take it. Pence is good and has a bright future, BUT he's still young and could hit a bit of a sopre slump this year. And you have a decent OF to replace him. A-Rod is just a stud. He's worth it.

Headunit causing drain on battery WTF!?!?!?

You can catch constant, and accessory at the ignition harness to eliminate whether or not the issue lies on a circuit in the vehicle, or the radio itself. Make sure you fuse the wires properly, and use your meter to check wires prior to tapping into them.

How to get to the Roxy Theater in Hollywood from Norwalk by the Metro?

I need to get to a concert on the 3rd and intend to take the Metro, but I don't know how to get there by the Metro. Which lines should I take? I'm starting out on the green line.

They're going to demolish Yankee Stadium, Fenway, Shea, Busch......?

Good question! One I have thought long and hard about since they are actually tearing down my basebal cathedral, Yankee Stadium. I know things like monument park, the retired numbers and other such items will be moved to the new ball park anyway, so I leave those alone. I would like to have either home plate (which I would frame and have hanging in my living room) or Don Mattingly's old locker (my favorite player of all time). If I could I would take the entire baseball field, but I would have no place to put it. Those things would just be a remembrance. Home plate is cool, because I like the shape (looks nice as a decoration), and I can pontificate about all the great players that have touched it.

Atheist : How come you were not influenced by this verse signifying the glory of god ?

This is very beautiful, and I understand why its so tempting to believe it. The most important thing is, whether believer or atheist, is that you don't forget your own power of creation, your own input in your life, your own power to make your life in whatever you so chose. I am sure that Allah will not mind seeing you being all that you can be, a loving and kind individual, instead of a racist and a bigot, like some other religious people. Tolerance should be a part of your beliefs too.

Please give a better composition of frame of car?

take a photograph of it and maybe we'll understand. What with this being a photography forum and everything.

I love her so never want to let her go...?

i don't know what is about her i have been with other girls but she is the right girl i just feel a little young but we are so close its not even funny it feels like i will be with her for a very long time she is so loyal to me and always cares for me as i do i just don't know what to do when i graduate i am afraid that i might not be able to keep her because she will be to busy with school likewise for me except i will be in college and she will still be in school i just don't want to mess this up we love each other i am a senior she is a junior any ways to keep her close even though i am gonna go away to college?

Does anyone know if this is repairable... read details for further information?

I would look for another engine. maybe but what all is wrong with the engine I would at least look at getting one from a salvage yard. You can find a decent running engine from there.

I have a 96 cadi devill need to know how to restart my a/c has something to do with turning on and off the key

my a/c did work fine. it ran out of freeon ans so i felled it up and know the a/c on wont work and the a/c cluch wont turn on. i talk to a macanic and he said you have you to restart the a/c computer bye doing something with turning off and on the key many times and pressn reset. but im havein no luck. anything would help

Is every team and player overrated......?

I hear you. Everyday there is some stupid question about how so and so is overrated. I think the word overrated is overrated.

Who would you say was better Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, or Wilt Chamberlain?

It's a tough comparison, Jordan and Wilt are the best scorers all-time while Magic is one of the best per.

How do you clean leather moccasins?

I have a pair of ll bean smooth leather moccasins with fleece-lining. They are a little dirty and I want to clean them(fleece also). I always heard you can't wash leather items in water or it will ruin them. how can I clean them?

Why would Obama talk about the infrastructure they allotted $280 billion in the stimulus bill for that?

because while those of us who are realistic say Drill baby drill, 0bama thinks spend baby spend, he failed to note that the left over money is still there and when he called for high speed rail he also fails to note that it will burn more electricity which is mainly produced by fossil fuels, and cost much more to maintain than it will make, not to mention that one look at am track proves that the government can not manage transportation at a profit or even become cost efficent

Knee ligament problems in dogs?please help?

It is going to be very hard for you to keep your dog calm at all times. she is a young girl and she is going to want to play with her new friend and be a dog! If you can afford it I would get the operation to rule out any future damage from her playing.

I have done +2 commerce already have taken admission in a college for bcom but i want to study abroad ?

Usa uk canada new zealand and australia are good countries to study abroad.many students prefer these's your wish.

Who was the fast talking mouse from Looney Tunes?

My mom keeps asking me if I remember a fast talking, hat wearing, tiny tiny mouse from Loony Tunes. My immediate response was Speedy Gonzalez but she insists it is not him, what other mouses are there?

What do you think of Saskatchewan Roughriders GM Eric Tillman charged with ual ault of a 16-year-old?

As a CFL and Riders fan, I am absolutely shocked. Tillman, to me, was one of the bright lights of the CFL and he is such a good fit in Saskatchewan and brought respectability back to the Riders after the Shivers era. I certainly hope the allegations are unfounded, but the police wouldn't arrest him after an investigation unless there was some basis to the charge. In his press statement today, he didn't deny the allegation, simply said he was co-operative and told the truth (whatever that means).

How can I spice up my tinkerbell halloween costume?

alot of stores sell like glowing glitter just throw it above u and let it fall onto u and wala pixie/fairy dust

What are your greatest fantasy matches for all 8 original weight cles and who wins?

At Flyweight Jimmy Wilde v. Benny Lynch, At Bantamweight Panama Al Brown v. Sixto Escobar, At Featherweight Salvador Sanchez v. Eusebio Pedroza, At Lightweight Roberto Duran v. Juan Manuel Marquez, At Welterweight Sugar Ray Leonard v. Floyd Mayweather Jr., At Middleweight Marvelous Marvin Hagler v. Bernard Hopkins, Ar Light Heavyweight Michael Spinks v. Roy Jones Jr., At Heavyweight Muhummad Ali v. Mike Tyson....I also would like to add the following fantasy matches, At Junior Lightweight Wilfredo Gomez v. Samuel Serrano, At Junior Welterweight Manny Pacquiao v. Aaron Pryor, At Junior Middleweight Winky Wright v. Oscar De La Hoya, At Cruiserweight David Haye v. Tomasz Adamek...nuff said !

Will the electoral college vote be tied? shows McCain at 274 and Obama at 264 electoral votes. Right now, Nevada's 5 votes are in McCain's column. But if Obama wins Nevada, we get a tie! And then the House of Representatives votes for President, with each state having ONE vote. Hasn't happened since the election of 1800. Will it happen this year?

Anyone know what time the mive protest at our Nations Capitol starts on Tuesday?

I heard over 100,000 people will be converging at the nations capitol this Tuesday to protest the way Bush & Cheney dropped the ball on 911. Many will be Protesting because they believe 911 was an inside job. Still others will be protesting the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Others will be protesting the Mal-Practice of Katrina...While others will be protesting the lies and corruption of the Bush Administration. Does anyone know what time it starts?

Devil Dog Needs Help?

Hey everybody im a marine that just got out of the corp, but i was hazed out of the corp and didn't finished my contract but my problem is that i started snorting percocet just to make it through the day i'm 20 and i still have a drinking problem when i was in the corp, i'm depressed and smoking spice and pain med's my mom threating to kick me out, i been looking for help online but they need money before they can help me and i'm broke and there are no jobs, there are days i just wanna shot my self but i'm a goddamn marine marines don't quit i just feel so lost.

Calculation of court costs for traffic violations in Florida?

I recently received a ticket on the turnpike for a failure to move over from the left lane, where troopers were citing other motorists. If I go to court and I lose, I wish to know how they determine the amount of the court costs.

How do you feel about the Harry Potter movies/series ending?

Everything that you've said I've agreed on :) Ten year generation and I was actually 9 when I started from the first book and now I finished seeing the last movie at 18 years old :/ I feel so depressed about it that I cried for so long after the movie.. it's just too depressing;(

How to get playstation home.?

It isn't in the place where the playstation store is, and every1 else i know has it. I wasn't a beta tester, please help me.

What was the funniest typo you ever saw?

i went to wikipedia and i was looking up prime ministers of Syria and the title said Prime Rib roast of malasia.

My LYMPH NODES are extremely palpable (for years) i have lost TOO MUCH WEIGHT, what is wrong?

See what the CT results are. If you get no answers there, I would go to a different hematologist and insist on a biopsy. If you can't get answers switch to a hospital that specializes in diagnostics.

Sports fannnnnn. Thanks.?

I apparently do not know enough to answer this obnoxiously long question. But I win give the answers that I do know... Lakers have the longest winning streak at 33. Numerous teams have won back to back championships. and I am a fan of the Chiefs, Rockets, and KU basketball. :)

Fantasy football TE starters?

Either player is a good option, but when in doubt- play your studs. You didn't draft clark to bench him, did you?

Is the material a conductor, an insulator, or a semiconductor?

A material is formed into a long rod with a square cross-section 0.50cm on each side. When a 160 voltage is applied across a 20-m length of the rod, a 8.0A current is carried. Is the material a conductor, an insulator, or a semiconductor?

I just quit a job because of a gossipy vindictive HR Manager. Should I report it to someone?

They removed me from directly reporting to her and she would intentionally try to undermine my work. But before that when she thought I was her flunky she talked about people's ual preferences and talked about other people that had cosmetic enhancements. She bragged about looking so closely at cell phone bills that she discovered an affair between two employess and reported them to management. She was a nightmare. I don't want to file a law suit, but she was quite offensive, but I'm wondering if I should let my ex-boss who is also her boss that she walks around calling him Mr. No-. I left under the pretense that I found another position.

Dream interpetation. what does my dream mean?

i met a guy on march 18, 2009. that night i had a dream about hm, we kissed and his lips were ice cold. the next day he smiled at me and was really nice. we ended up to be really really good close friends. he is the kind of guy, that is like a boyfriend, but he isn't. he likes to hang back and just walk together with you and just you without anybody else, but he likes to make everyone around him laugh. he is quite the charmer and quite a pretty boy. i would have a dream about him every so often and the next day after my dream about him, he would be really, extra nice. not every dream was of romance with him. they would be of us doing some random activity, or just talking. or maybe it was deja vu. i don't know.i would see him sometimes at a restaurant, or at the post office or i seen him in walmart.. but things pes and i started to like him. i never did tell him i liked him. but we still remained close. about a month in a half before march 18, 2010, we stopped talking. for some reason. i wasn't mad or he wasn't. we just stopped talking. we were best friends and in that month and a half of not talking to him, killed me inside. the dreams stopped.. then one day i was talking to a friend that was next to him, he looked at me the whole time i talked and i could see his brown eyes full of sadness, but he didn't talk then. he just looked at me with eyes of sadness and it made me remember all the fun times i had with him. i learned to love him more and more as the days ped by, and eventually he added me on face book. we started talking again. and the dreams started happening again. march 18, 2010 came, and we talked that night. we mostly talked abut how much we missed each other and how we missed how close we used to be. i said i remember we used to be like best friends. and he said we are... that night i went to bed glad i had my best friend back. that night, i had another dream, of us kissing but this time, our kiss was nice and warm. a few days later he disappeared and i never got the chance to say goodbye to him.. he doesn't log into face book anymore so i have no contact now. last night i had a dream about him. we didn't talk, but i just know it was him. the thing is, after every dream i ever had about him, the next day i would see him and he would smile & be extra nice at me. is it that he had a dream about me too? he think about me at night? the only thing is, today i didn't see him because of him disappearing.. please help...

Who wins tonight john duddy or julio chavez jr?

Julio Chavez Jr. because I believe that his camp won't let him fight opponents who has a chance of beating him. They are still trying to build up his resume.

The Man who Challenged the Quran?

With a death threat anyone will withdraw. Hail Greet Wilders he has exposed you'll and you can do nothing. If anyone who challenged the quran was changed then Greet would have been a muslim by now but you'll cannot challenge what he says so you'll gave him a death threat. Hirsi has also met with the same fate.



Are there fuses in my '89 Bronco that I don't know about?

I just recently replaced the solenoid, and being stupid, I didn't take the battery cables off the battery, and I think I touched on of the cables that connect to the solenoid to the inside of the truck. Now nothing electric in the tuck works, and im figuring that I may have tripped a fuse somewhere. I checked all the fuses under the dash inside the truck, are there any fuses anywhere else?


I'm on my way to get my boyfriend an engraved Flask for our anniversary from things remembered. The have leather ones stainless steal ones and gunmetal ones. I personally think he would like the Gun Metal one. And I like the Stainlss steal one but will they tarnish over the years? Shoyld I just go with the Leather one? Even though I dnt like it?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I really want to know IS this WRONG?????????????????????????…

yes your are &please stop asking same question over over I like most of your question but you repeat them over & over you fill my in-box

Hello everyone, I have a question about evolution?

Hello, I know where the biology section is but I also know that many people on R and S talk about evolution, plus this place is more trafficked then biology so I'll ask it here. I understand the debate about what should be taught in school, either evolution or creationism. I think evolution should be taught in biology cl and students should also be taught a comparative religions cl that is objective and which follows scientific guidelines much like an English cl or Sociology cl. However my question is what do you think the future of evolution will be, and if the impediments of evolution by the secular religions will harm the progress of this science? What are some of the technological or medical discoveries made possible by the theory of evolution and where do you see this technology advancing in the future? Do you think evolution will be a key ingredient in stem cell research and medical science?

How can you make chili out of stew meat?

Yes. It's easy in a slow cooker. Just make the chili how you would normally make it, but before you add your stew meat to the slow cooker- brown it in olive oil in a pan/skillet to seal in the flavor as well- with some garlic, pinch of salt and pepper and Cayenne pepper (powdered). You'll be good to go then when you add it to the chili in the slow cooker. The stew meat will become nice and tender and even more so if you add an acid to the chili like a little lime juice or red wine just to help break down the meat. Make sure you cover it for at least and hour and let it sit. You'll have a great chili!

1998 Honda Prelude clutch problems?

last night i bought a 5 speed 1998 honda prelude, base model vtec. it was working great when we test drove it, drove over an hour back home, and drove for a few hours that night. i was at a stop light and i put it into 1st gear, then second, and i noticed the speed stayed the same and RPM's went sky high. No noises or anything with clutch, no grinding, etc..but same thing happened in 3rd and 4th. i could only drive 25 mph tops. i let it sit at a friends over night and came to get it the next morning and it worked fine? what could the problem be?

Do u think i could make them to like me again??

well i continuously hurting my dad, mom, and sister feeling. I talk with no respect toward my dad and i always get mad at him easily. I tried not to but in the end i always being rude to him.I know i am wrong but i just can't help it. With my mom i talk rude without realizing that i am being rude. I always made her sad because i dont have any friend at my new school. Well i do but no one to hang with. She always want me to pay attention to my appearance which i couldn't care less. I also tell her if i have problems especially when i fight with my sister. She has high blood pressure but i always forget it is as if all i care is my own feeling and how i got hurt. With my sister i always have this mood swing especially when i hang with her and her friends. I mad because she doesnt pay attention to me, all she cares is her friends. i embarred her by making them see me as this girl who mad without reason. Now she doesnt want to bring me along as much which make me feel lonely, cont.

Is it important to hear I love you?

How important is it for spouses to say I love you. My spouse and I say it all the time. A friend of mine says she hasnt heard it in over a month. It is very important to her. They been married 2 years. My husband and I have been married 6 years.

Is it normal to think I will feel closer to my own child than to my step-child?

I asked a question earlier "should I buy my boyfriend a father's day present?" He has a child (12y.o son) with his ex-wife. I didn't wnat to buy one until he was the father of my child, I wanted our first father's day together to be a special "first moment together" for me and him to share. A few people who answered my question (thank you!) remarked that if I felt that my children would be "more special" to me, I am not ready to get married . I do not expect for my bf to feel that way, but, I can't help but think that I will feel closer to the babies I give birth to than the teenaged boy I see once a week. Some people remarked that I should "grow up" and not feel this way- that if we get married I would automatically be his son's mother. I disagree, his ex and I get along very well and I feel that my place is to be a supporter and a mentor and a friend, not his mother-he has one of those. Is this wrong- am I in fact, "too immature to get married" if I think I'll feel this way?

I have a English Springer Spaniel who is nerly 4 and needs double knee surgery, has anyone experience of this?

I have just been told by my vet that my ESS has major issues with both knees, small pieces of bone seem to have broken off and obviously she is in pain, walking seems ok, but going up stairs or jumping on setee is impossible, squeels with pain, this has only just become evident as a problem, although vet said probably been like it for 6 - 12 months, presumably just got a lot worse, hense pain. Has anyone else experienced this problem, vet tells us this could cost �10 k to put right, he can't do it she would need to go to specialist, we don't have pet insurance or �10 k so may have to have her put down, which would be truly heartbreaking. Can anyone help? We are desperate

Please tell me what this dream means!?

dreams can actually be keys into reality it can mean that deep down you actually have feelings for this guy not like bff feelings but boyfriend feelings but also it might not mean anything i have had weider dreams than that and i know they didn't mean anything for certain just take a sec and really think about it

What is your idea of 'god'? =]?

I have reached my daily limit of questions. Damn you God. Now I have to spend the rest of the day believing everything I hear. GREAT!! NOT!!

Special weekend poem, please share your thoughts?

For a minute there I was afraid there wasn't going to be any elk. My intentions are anything but pure, but I love it. 10.

Is the NFL really starting to ruin hard-nosed football?

Watching the Broncos-Raiders, Jason Hunter just got called for roughing the per because he tapped Jason Campbell's helmet. Even the announcers said "This isn't touch football." I know there's been other accounts of unreasonable penalties for being "too rough"

What is it with AZ Cardinals fans?

did you notice how many Cowboy fans are in the stands? Everytime the 9ers Packers or Raiders show up the same thing happens. It becomes almost a home game for the other team. This team is only two year removed from the super bowl.

HELP! with flea bites!?

My cat had fleas when I got home from vacation I was bit allover by fleas. They are not as itchy anymore but are red dry ares what can I do to make these heal? please help!

Let's just pretend that I never heard of the MLA until 2 years ago. Have I progressed with my punctuation?

I love the elaborate and sensual imagery in this poem. I am a big fan of punctuation, and this you have used perfectly. This is a delight to my mind and senses. Thank you.

Do The RON PAUL Supporters Feel They Have Lost A Political War, Or Only The First Battle?

Ron Paul's "revolution" is going on right now, but it's been renamed Campaign for Liberty, so that it's not just a cult of personality, but a great number of political candidates and activists working for freedom.

Is 0bama a political Genius loading up on political ammo before he puts his foot on either romney or bachmann?

he cant bash obamaca...err romneycare. Hey barry said it though. Hes gonna do bachmann the "way whitefolks'll do ya"

What's the difference between Flickr and Snapfish?

I'm thinking about loading my pictures online so I can easily catalog them by year. Do both sites offer printable items like photo albums/books, posters, etc? I don't know anything about either site, and I'd just like to know a bit about either of them. Thanks.

Does he like me or not?

it's your guy don't let that girl take him away from you like that almost happened to me so don't let her. oh yeah if think he likes you just ask him honestly don't be all so secretive to it until that girl takes him or just say do u want to go to the movies. and maybe in the dark while your watch he might be all like yawning and puting his arm over your shoulder maybe or maybe your just really close friends if your close friends your close friends that's it.

Do you think The Rock and Austin ruin wrestling?

If you look at WWE today its more focus on entertainment. If you don't have the mic skills most likely you will get drop. Look at Shelton Benjamin. Ppl called Lance Storm boring. The Rock, Austin, DX, old Y2J, The Godfather, Val Venis they all did great promos back in the Attitude Era. Most likely ppl remember the promos than the matches. Just like at the 15th Anniversary DVD of Raw. Majority of the DVD is promos. Look at WWE now its almost not about wrestling no more. You got David Otunga comes in 2nd in NXT when he can't wrestle better than The Coach. You got the Miz who is aight but he's not good. "Ive been watching wrestling all my life and I heard "you can't wrestle" chants more than I ever heard since wrestling begin to 2004. I'm just saying with the popularity promos that The Rock and Austin did back then, do you believe it had something to deal with on how WWE is focus too much on entertainment instead of wrestling.

Should I work the remaining of my 2 week notice?

I gave my job my 2 week notice last week and my last day is supposed to be this friday oct 1. I have mentally checked out of my current job already. The workplace is very ackward, my manager is hoovering over my shoulder watching and asking questions about everything that i do, i really dont want to continue driving out here for the rest of the week ( its a 40 mile drive one way ) i start my new job on monday oct 4 and I'll be honest i would love a break before i start the new position. In regards to using them as a future reference, if i have to use them i have another supervisor/trainer that i can use instead of my manager but honestly this practice may be out of business before i ever need to call on them for a reference. What do you all think i should do? suck it up and work or just go home tonight and not come back??

AM i RIGHT? Help with friend?

if she isn't the biggest JB fan out there, and you know your concert experience will be ruined if she comes, don't take her. you might end up regretting it later, when you didn't enjoy the concert(like that's possible). and if she got SOOOOOOO MAD when you said idk, then she wouldn't be a good friend. the same thing happened to me, but when i told my friend i didn't get enough tickets, they said "darn that sucks, will you take some amazing videos for me?" they were upset, but they didn't get angry at me. so i think you should take another friend, who will actually enjoy being at the concert WITH YOU.

Your favorite baby shower games?

At my shower, the one that had the most laughs was ping out a cheap paper plate to each of the guests, have them hold the plate on top of their head, and give them 30 seconds to draw a baby. The mom-to-be picks her favorite for the winner (I showed everyone the funniest ones). My advice is to not have too many - they can get pretty old quickly. As for gifts, we gave out some gift cards, and little decorative candle holders with candles, etc.

Is it possible to have senses other than normal ones?

This probably sounds really silly to most of you, but all my life I've felt like I have a sense of what's going to happen. Sometimes some moments p by and I swear Ive experienced exactly that before.. like dejavu. If I ask someone a question, sometimes I already know what theyll say if it's a simple answer. And sometimes I get feelings about certain things happening and they do. I nearly always know the phones going to ring righ before it does. Does anyone know why ? no stupid comments please I'm asking a serious question...

Should I invite ex in laws?

This is one of the few times I would say that it's perfectly fine to be extreme. Usually I like to find a happy medium but in this case...just don't invite them. If she hasn't come to you to apologize why sacrifice every body's fun by throwing in these rude people who are just going to make EVERYONE uncomfortable? It's about your son. It's his day. Don't let this insensitive lady ruin it.

Can you solve this riddle? first one to get it gets 10 points!!!?

what word has all of the vowels, but is very unusual? there is one word that i'm looking for, and you have to get it to get the 10 points!

Are there a lot of japanese vegetarians in japan?

I want to move to japan one day and i am a vegetarian and would like to know if there are a lot dietary choices for me ?

Are we doomed if the devil gets a hair dryer?

the devils trapped in a river of ice right? so if he gets a hair dryer to thaw himself out we're all F***ed

Could u hlp its emergency ?

My mosquito bite was pink now its purple with little white spots my eye also got bit but where the bone is surrounding it and my eye puffed up pls help what will happen what happens I need to no and pls don't type go to the doctor

OFMG 2012! I Want To Hear Your Theorys... Is It Really The End Of The World?

is it really the end of the world, or is it just "HOAX", im confused and i would like to hear your opinions on what you think it is all about. my mum says its a meteor that's gonna wipe out our sorry es, i reckon its gonna be world war 3.... im just guessing here but like there is this thing about the "Aztec Calender" finishing at 2012... meaning end of time meaning end of the WORLD!!!!.... i don't really know, this is really interesting to me

Italian subjunctives? which to use?

I know there are four different subjunctives: present, past, imperfect and pluperfect. But which ones do I use? Can you also, if possible, give me examples in italian?

Easy If You Are a Real Giants Fan?

If I am interpreting correctly, you don't want anyone to become a Giants fan because they made national attention. Right? So they are to become fans when the team is in last place, unnoticed, and unappreciated. This makes sense to you? A lot of people are sparked to become fans (lifetime, a lot of them) when a team wins the World Series, but you'd rather they didn't. You'd rather the same old 10,000 fans from last year were the only fans they had forever. Sad.

Train-related words for my vocabulary test?

What are the jobs on the train? I know the "conductor" but not the other jobs. Who's the person who sells food and drinks on the train / drives the train, etc. ?

Is Jaw Surgery Really That Painfull?

i had that done, its not that bad actually, you will be fine. i have metal plates in mine to keep them in place. the after pain isnt any worse than having wisdom teeth out, they give you pain killers but i didnt really need them. are you having a a bimaxillary osteotomy?

Who is the best WWE Superstar Part 3?

I'll pick Funaki as i've never really been a fan of his or his wrestling style and he hardly ever has a match now.

Monday, August 8, 2011

How do I handle my inlaws? They have said they will alwasy be closer to their granddaughters vs their grandson?

I have 2 boy and one girl. Seems like my daughter gets all the invites, cool b-day gifts, and sleep overs, and so on. She is 13 and my boys are 11 and 5. There is another granddaughter that lives with them, and I kind of understand why it is my daughter that goes over there more often (cuz of the girl boy sleep over thing), but recently my daughter got invited to disneyland and i told them my son would enjoy it too. My mother in law says there is a lack of money, and I said.. I will pay. She kept coming up with excuses, so I finally told her how unfair she is being. She wanted my daughter to keep it a secret from my son! She has been a bit distance since then, since i didn't let her take my daughter (they took their live in granddaughter). I am torn between taking away the opportunity from my daughter, but then if she goes, my son will be hurt. My 5 year old still is hard to handle, but my older kids are good kids! Any advice is welcome... Thanks in advance

Could human intellect and reasoning be slowly killing our sense of feeling and intuition?

It's better than burning people at the stake just because you "sense" that they're a witch and have given you the "evil eye." I think intellect and reasoning have been the greatest blessings to humanity. Intuition? What is that? Is it bad or good?

Do you still listen to Howard Stern?

I use to listen to Howard Stern and then he went to sattelite. then i got a new car that came with Sirius but i found that all he does is complain and talk about how everyone steals from him and how he hates president bush and so on. So i just canceled my subscription and i cant say that i miss him.

Lebanon, Battle of Looks?

when i saw that egyptian woman, i nearly choked to death on a sandwhich i was eating. she kinda looks like shrek.

Poll: Can you build me a Tandem Bicycle ...?

I have an unused Sherman Tank in the back yard, and a welder. You supply the welding sticks and, uh, yeah, when I have time..

Is Harold Camping really a Christian?

He isn't a christian in my eyes. What kind of person thinks they are in the same standing with God and for God to give an imperfect human that piece of information? Harold Camping made a false prediction. A 'true' christian turns to the bible because the bible is God's inspired word. It says in the bible that we don't know when the last day is going to be...this goes for God's angels, Jesus, and imperfect people knowing when it is going to happen.

How long have you listened to ska?

Yeah, me too. As a matter of fact that's still the kind of ska I listen to. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones are one of the most awesome bands ever. And Gwen Stefani, well, I sometimes like to put my head under a pillow and pretend her new pop career never even started!

Has anyone eaten raccoon?

a lady at work brought some in. it smelled so good. it was in a stew w/ potatoes and carrots. but there is no way i'm eating that.

How long do I thaw sugar & peanut er cookie dough for after taken out of the fridge?

Just long enough that you can cut or otherwise measure it out and get it on the baking sheet. The portions are small enough and the oven is hot enough that it will not be undercooked in the middle.

Where Can You Find These??

hi i live in houston too and i did a search for dance wear in the area...there is a store off of 1960 called Fancy Dancer Boutique an the site is a href="" rel="nofollow" and this is the address you can mapquest it...5507 Fm 1960 Road West, Houston, TX 77069 heres another link with dance stores in our area. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why hasnt my period started?

Ok im 13 almost 14 and i havent started my period yet and my mom stated hers at 12 im getting worried because its bin hurting down there for about 11 months almost a year and my mom thought it was a bladder infection but its not i got meds but it didnt help. Drinking alot of water seems to help but i really want it to stop. But i think thats why i dont have my period im so worried. Can some one help me?

Power supply Question?

No, your case looks like it's power supply is welded onto it. That makes it impossible to remove your power supply without ripping it out of your case (literally), plus your current PSU has a really weird form factor, it isn't ATX, meaning that the psu you're thinking of buying will not fit.

Advent Children: Which sword hit Sephiroth first?

Clouds Omni-slash are pretty cool, and I think the first blade hit Sephiroth was the 1st one. I am not pretty sure but i already watch that movie and it was awesome!


Ya really.........I mean if this is an EASY 10 POINTS!!!? then you can do it yourself......pick up something you havnt in quite a while.....a BOOK or look up something.....thats what the INTERNET is for

Celtic Beat AC Milan ?

The last I heard was that Celtic had invited Milan Misun, 18yr old defender and Anton Fantis, 16yr old striker, both Czechs for a trial. Apparently both these young men play some superb football and impressed Celtic scouts in their last match. Celtic as far as I know have not actually landed them yet as AC Milan are still in the race and are set to offer both players a trial with them too. Maybe im wrong and if I am I stand corrected. Misun's agent says Celtic are set to sign him but the deal is far from down and dusted. Anything can happen in this funny old game so until Gordon Strachan says he is signed I won't start jumping for joy just yet.

Is drinking alot of OJ bad for you?

I drink OJ more than i breathe.... all that it has done to me is increase my vitamin c intake. I haven't been sick AT ALL in the past 2 years since my addiction!

Two questions about Charlie Chaplin's famous silent film, City Lights...?

I missed the beginning of City Lights in my Film Appreciation cl, and I soon have a test so I have two quick questions about what happens in the movie. First of all, where was the Little Tramp sleeping when he made his first appearance in City Lights? And, How did the Little Tramp first meet the "Eccentric Millionaire"? Thanks!

Do you like this dress?

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